Sunday, July 14, 2024

Family Sunday.

July 14, 2024
Day 2,823

Thankful for: 

A very good Sunday. 

We visited a new church in the morning. 

We came home and cleaned up a bit. 

I read on a sunny spot on the couch. 

We went to Shane's house for dinner. Shane made all kinds of delicious smoked food: sausages, cream cheese, chicken, burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, corn on the cob...It was all so delicious. 

Lots of cousins playing and laughing together. 

Tall tales from Oliver. He told us he had a pet rhinoceros named Cherries, but it used to be named Buggaboo. 

My cowboy hat. I really love it. 

Coming home and making cookie dough. 

Time to sleep all night. 


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