Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I got my cozy back.

July 10, 2024
Day 2,819

     As I was walking Higbee the other day, I was thinking worrying about things. 

     Sometimes the world seems so big and vast and busy and full of unpleasant things. I don't like to think about unpleasant things. When things are too big for my mind to think about, I lose the feeling of cozy. I like to stay cozy. Not tight. Not stuck. Not constricted. But cozy. Cozy is the feeling of friendly bright sunlight coming through the windows and dancing on the wood floor where my dog is napping. Cozy is the feeling of a cold day with a coat and a blanket and a fire pit and something to drink of either the coffee or wine variety. Cozy is the sound of a blinker on a car. Cozy is all the smells, sights, sounds, tastes, and feels of being home. Cozy is the feeling of a familiar kiss on your lips or a hand holding your own. There are lots of ways I feel cozy, and I want to stay in that feeling all the time. 

     When I was walking Higbee and worrying, I lost my cozy. 

     I started to think about people. And the things that people do. 

     People like to meet other people at Starbucks for coffee. People like to bake cupcakes. And cookies. And croissants. People like to read books. There are whole stores filled with nothing but books. People like to study animals and learn about them. People like to train dogs. People like to make things like blankets and paintings and pictures. People use their cell phones to send pictures of hearts and smiley faces to one another. People gather together to hear music or watch movies. There are restaurants. There are bakeries. There are stores. There are homes. There are streets for walking and sidewalks for drawing chalk pictures on. There are forests and mountains and oceans. And people like to go to those pretty places to see them. 

     When I thought of people baking cupcakes for other people to buy, eat, and enjoy...
     When I thought of people sitting together in coffee shops and drinking coffee together...
     When I thought of people driving the beach to sit in the sand and play in the waves...
     When I thought of people driving to bookstores to buy books...
     When I thought of people going to appointments and work...
     When I thought of people all relaxing in their homes...

 I felt better. Thinking of bakers in their bakery mixing dough and icing and frosting cupcakes and then setting them out for people to just made me feel so much better. I don't know if it's cozy. But it sure is nice to think of, and I suppose when a person thinks of nice things, their mind gets a real cozy feeling. 

Thankful for nice things and cozy feelings. 


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