Monday, July 4, 2022

Bravery, courage, and cowardice.

July 4, 2022
Day 2,086

     I've been thinking about bravery. What makes a person brave? What makes them a coward? What qualities does a brave person possess? What qualities are cowards lacking? 

     On vacation, I was unable to convince myself to get on the jet ski. My five year old niece got on the jet ski. I did not. I know how to swim. I know there are no sharks; it was a lake. The jet ski is made for fun, not torture. Why did it seem like something I couldn't do even if people paid me money to do it? 

     Not thirty minutes before I stood watching my five year old nice riding on the jet ski and thinking to myself, I'll never do that, I held a corn snake at the park. A park ranger was going around promoting a nature show they were doing that evening at their nature center. He brought a corn snake around with him to generate interest. He asked me if I wanted to hold it, and I immediately said yes. Adelyn and Tobin said yes. Matt said no. Matt is definitely not a coward. He's probably the bravest person I know. He has to go into burning buildings and crawl into tight spaces with a hundred pounds of gear on. He has to work outside in terrible storms and rescue people during floods. He has to walk into homes and situations that are dangerous. He has to tell people that a loved one has passed. All of those things take an incredible amount of courage and bravery. And yet, to holding a corn snake, he said no. 

     Riding a jet ski, I said no. 
     Sky diving, Matt said yes. I would say no. 
     Bungee jumping, I said yes. Matt would say no. 
     The point is, I don't think one can measure bravery or courage or cowardice simply by the activities that a person is willing or unwilling to participate in. It is not the grand and glorious events in our lives that makes us brave and courageous. Bravery and courage reside in the heart. Cowardice is knowing what we should do, and choosing not to do that thing. So as long as a person is making wise decisions from the heart, I don't think we can call that person a coward. Even if they choose not to jet ski. Or go on roller coasters. Or go sky diving. 

     I think know that I am brave. 

Thankful for: 

Corn snakes. 

Walks with Matt and Higbee. 

A nice morning and evening at home. 

A lovely afternoon with Matt's mom, Steph, and Mario. 

Delicious food. 

Time with the best family ever. 

Ice cream on the couch eaten directly out of the carton. 

Harry Potter. 

Blankets that cover my entire family. 

Knowing that we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I love when we are all home together. 

A quick phone call with my mom. 

A very good day. 

The knowledge that I am brave and courageous. 

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