Thursday, December 8, 2016


December 8, 2016
Day 89

A long, hot shower.

A clean kitchen.

I can use the water in my house again.

Dinner out with Matt and the kids.

The way my kids love to look at Christmas lights.

Hearing Higbee howl for the first time tonight.

Tobin falling asleep in the car after dinner and staying asleep for the night.

Tomorrow is Friday.

Christmas music on the radio.

Laughing hard with Adelyn over silly stuff.

Halo Top ice cream.

This knowledge: if I mess up during some point in my day, I get to go to sleep, wipe the slate clean, and start again new and fresh the next day.

My husband sleeping beside me.



Cold weather.

The bigs. (Casey and Adelyn)

The littles. (Tobin and Sophia)

Wee Bairn.

A beach house named Chocolate Sundae.

Friends at work.

Students who ask me, "Mrs. Sanderson, can I borrow this book? I don't want to wait until tomorrow to read it."

Vince Guaraldi's Christmas music.

One of the books I'm reading right now: Essays of E.B. White

A warm home. Warm clothes. Food to eat. Water to drink.

A glorious sunrise this morning. When I walked outside, everything was pink. It made me happy to be alive.

Breath in my lungs. Step in my feet.

Whispers of snow.


The gift of Christmas.

The thrill of hope.


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