Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Squiggly Eyes and Smiles.

March 21, 2017
Day 171

It was gray this morning. I love gray mornings. They feel like tea and toast tastes.

Dinner was done, the kitchen was cleaned up, homework was done, the pups were fed and walked, and the lunches were made for tomorrow by 6:30 tonight. I felt very accomplished.

Tobin and Adelyn decorated a big cardboard box to make it look like a boat, and they went voyaging while I played music from Moana tonight.

There are literally countless pieces of paper around our house with the sweetest pictures drawn on them. Adelyn's pictures are very detailed and filled with hearts and flowers. Tobin's pictures are of people with a head with legs coming out of them. They have squiggly eyes and squiggly smiles. I love their pictures.

Tomorrow is, "Wonderful Reading Wednesday," at school. I love reading all morning with my sweet students.

I love when my husband says sweet things to me like, "you look pretty." I love that he hugs and kisses me when I get home from work. He actually stops what he's doing to come and hug and kiss me.


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