Friday, August 22, 2014

"God says no one is allowed to touch Addy's special things."

Project 365 * 4
Day 597

     Today was certainly an adventure. I worked at half-day at my new school. It was fun, and I got to meet two new students. They seemed super sweet. I think I'm going to have a great year. I brought Adelyn and Casey along so they could meet some of their new teachers as well. I worked with the elementary kids, so I have no idea what went on with Addy, Casey, and the rest of the preschool kids. When I asked Addy if she ate the apple I packed for her fruit break, she replied with this interesting statement, "well...yes...but I didn't eat it all. I threw it away, because the teacher gave us snot to play with. And I didn't want snot to get on my apple." "Really, Addy? Snot? I don't think so." "Yes, snot. I don't like snot. So, I threw my apple away. Snot is dirty for my apple." So there's that fun tidbit. I'm really hoping there was something lost in translation there.

     While Tobin and Addy were playing after dinner, Tobin picked up one of Addy's toys, and Addy replied how she usually replies. She stomped her feet up and down furiously, and started to wail. "NOOOOOOOOO, that's mine!" She's not yet learned the art of sharing. I told her the usual things: we need to share, Tobin always shares with you, please be kind... She replied with perhaps the best statement I've heard her utter yet. "God says no one is allowed to touch Addy's special things." It's the 11th commandment we never knew existed until today.

     Then there was this fun little adventure. I was cleaning up the kitchen from dinner when Addy said, "Tobin's skin smells like poop." Matt replied with, "he probably has a poopy diaper." And then not one minute later, I heard, "Christen!!!" I ran into the living room to see Matt holding Tobin's wrists up in the air. His hands covered in poop. Needless to say, the kids had an early bath time.

     After bath time, I was putting lotion on Addy when I heard Matt exclaim, "Tobin!" Apparently, he had peed on the floor of his bedroom in the one minute since he left the bathroom. And, bonus, he was rubbing his pacifiers in it.

    Thankful for my little sassafras girl. Thankful for my little naughty boy. They really do make everyday an adventure. Even if those adventures include snot, made up commandments from God, poop, and pee...

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