Sunday, September 23, 2012

22 Days Left

22 Days Left

     Can I just take a moment to say: pregnant women deserve gold medals and trophies just for making it through the day. And the night for that matter.

     The day is fun. I'm at that point in my pregnancy where even my maternity jeans are uncomfortable. My back literally hurts every second of the day. I sound like a 500 pound sumo wrestler trying to get up out of bed, or out of a chair, or into the car, or off the floor...basically...all the time. The huffing and puffing is driving even me--crazy. And I'm the one doing it!

     Night is even better. I'm up every hour. EVERY. Hour. To pee. Then I get to reposition at least six pillows, and a pregnancy pillow. Only to lay back down, and be wide awake. I flip on The Office, and watch a bit until I fall asleep again. When I wake up has only been about 30 to 45 minutes. How do I know this? Because I have The Office on DVD, and I just watch season after season. And when I wake up to pee again...the next episode is on. The one right after the one I put on to fall asleep to.

     I feel like a large, white, pregnant, beluga whale. With one ankle with crazy spider vein action happening. People look at my ankle and literally think it's's so bruised and dark with broken blood vessels. And I'm out of breath walking up one flight of stairs. And my stomach hurts from being kicked like crazy. And I'm nervous. And I have a million things to do before Tobin gets here. And I have a two-year old.

     That said: I wouldn't trade all this for anything in the world. It's part of the journey. The journey to becoming Tobin's Mama. And I cannot wait to look upon his sweet face. And kiss him. And cuddle him. And bring him home, and love him forever.

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