Sunday, November 23, 2014

Cookie bars. Teachers that made a difference in my life. Lazy Sunday.

Project 365 * 4
Day 688

52 Kind Things

     Matt was gone this past week for Hazmat training in Arizona. I knew I had to have a fresh tray of cookie bars waiting for him when he came home. I was super tired when I made them, but I knew it would make him smile to see them sitting on the counter when he walked in.

52 People I Love

     Now that I am teaching again, I've been thinking a lot lately about the teachers who made a difference in my life. Teachers that I loved and learned from.

     Mr. Hale was my 7th grade history teacher. He was awesome. Middle school is the absolute worst. The hardest years of school in my opinion. Going to his class was like getting away from it all. I loved to listen to him teach. He taught me that history is important. He taught me how to study. He taught me that I could make straight A's. I think he would be proud to know that I majored in history in college. And I loved it. I have him to thank for my love of history.

     Mr. Bowen was my high school chemistry teacher. I loved chemistry. It made sense to me. I loved it so much I even asked my parents for a chemistry set for Christmas that year. He was such a sweet and loving teacher. He loved to make us laugh. My friend, Carmella, and I called him Granddaddy Bowen. We made him a tie for Christmas. We were so proud to give it to him. And even more proud when he wore it. I have him to thank for my love of chemistry.

     Coach C was my track coach in high school. He was the greatest. I loved track. I loved running. I loved the high jump. There were days when I couldn't wait for school to be over so I could go run and jump at practice. He taught me everything I know about running. And jumping. He taught me that I was good at something. He believed in me. He worked incredibly hard for our team. When I run or lift weights today, I remember the things he taught me. I have him to thank for my love of running, jumping, and lifting weights.

     Mr. Parsons was my high school photography teacher. I absolutely loved his classes. I loved making pinhole cameras. Developing my own negatives. Developing my own pictures. Mr. Parsons was awesome because he would really examine each picture we turned into him. He would tell us the things he liked about them. And show us ways to improve them. He also taught me all about Pink Floyd. Whenever I hear, "Wish you were here," I think of him. I have him to thank for my love of photography.

     Professor Hardy was my humanities professor at NOVA. He was incredible. I could sit and listen to him lecture for hours. He taught me about art, architecture, literature, and life. He challenged us to explore. To travel. To think. He inspired me to write. I was dealing with depression when I started his class, and by the end, I was completely well. His lectures were like therapy for me. I have him to thank for my love of art and literature.

     I am so thankful for these, my favorite teachers. The ones who inspired me, taught me, challenged me. They made such a difference in my life. It is my hope that I might be able to make a difference in a child's life the way these teachers made a difference in mine.

     Thankful for lazy Sundays. Thankful for quiet rain falling outside. Thankful for a clean home. Thankful that I only have two days of school until Thanksgiving break. I am so ready for a couple of days to sleep in and be home with my babes. Thankful for family. And kids wrestling and playing and being silly. Thankful for that feeling of, today was a good day. Thankful for so many things and people to be thankful for.

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