Monday, February 25, 2013

A Mother's Touch...

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 55

     Tobin is teething. And it makes him a bit crabby. This afternoon, right after I finished nursing Tobin before his nap, he did something that reminded me of my Mom. He was still fussy and not settled after being nursed, so I gave him his pacifier. As I gave it to him, he grabbed both of my hands with his, and held them on his face. And instantly, he calmed down. He had been fussy, wiggling around, and acting like he was about to start sobbing. But, with my hands on his face, he was completely calm and still. And he slept peacefully. I thought to myself, "what is it about a mother's touch that can make everything all better?" And actually, I've known the answer to that question since I was a child. A mother's touch makes everything all better...just because. It does.

     I've experienced it: when I was a young child, I woke up in the middle of the night one time with a stomachache. Because throwing up was one of my biggest fears then, I was sick with worry on top of being sick to my stomach. I went into my parent's room, and woke my Mom. She let me lay in bed with her, and she put her hand on my stomach, and she prayed for me. After she prayed that I would feel better, she left her hand on my stomach. I know this doesn't make sense, but with her hand on my stomach, I felt better. 100%. Stomachache gone, and I even fell back asleep quite quickly. Until she moved her hand. The instant she moved her hand, my stomach felt sick again. I asked her to put her hand back on my stomach, and presto: stomachache gone again.

     I have no way to explain this phenomenon. My Mom's hand made my stomachache disappear. My hands on Tobin's face calmed him instantly, and helped him sleep in peace. I guess there is just something about a mother's touch that really can make everything all better. I don't know why. It just does. I'm blessed to have experienced it as a child. And even more blessed to have experienced it today now that I have children of my own.

     Thankful for my Mom. Who taught me everything I know about being a Mama. I learned from the best. I'm thankful to call her one of my best friends. I'm thankful that she is the kind of Mom that calls everyday. Multiple times a day. I'm thankful we are the kind of family that misses each other. I'm thankful that I call her everyday, multiple times a day to talk, and it's not the least bit weird. In fact, it's weird if we go all day without talking. I'm thankful that I learned from her at a young age that a mother's touch can heal a multitude of illnesses. I'm thankful that Tobin learned from me today. I'm thankful that I was able to pass on that knowledge to him.

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