Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Project 365 * 2 -- Day 36

     Lately, I've been angry. Not at my beautiful babes, just at...stuff. People. Situations. It happens when I'm doing monotonous tasks that you can do with your eyes closed. Things like washing dishes, folding laundry. My mind literally races with thoughts flooded with anger. It makes me angry at myself that I'm angry at people. And situations that are done and over with. It's pretty annoying, actually. Anger nagging me.

     I know, I know...holding onto anger only hurts me. Forgive and forget. If someone slaps you on one check, turn and let them slap you on the other. I know all this. But, lately, I just can't seem to rid my mind of thoughts like, "I'm never talking to _______ again, he/she hurt me too bad." "I can't stand ________." "_______ makes me so angry."

      So, I've been doing what I do to combat fearful thoughts. When my mind shoots flaming arrows of doubt and fear, I shoot back. With words of thanksgiving. I literally start listing things in my head that I am thankful for. Things I am blessed with. Things to be happy about. I figure if it works on fear, it can work on anger, too.

     Tonight, I'm thankful that I'm continuously learning how to be thankful. I'm learning that anger is a waste of my time. It distracts me from what is really important in life. And that is love.

We did some artwork today. We made snakes, and caterpillars, and colored Cinderella. See that tiny speck between the first and second picture. That's a small sticker of an ice cream cone. We had a talk about not putting stickers on the wall, but I fear that one day, I might look around the corner and see the wall filled with stickers.


Another sleepy one.


  1. This is really helpful - thank you. May God's love be with you.

    1. I just saw this comment, sorry it's taken me so long to reply! I'm so glad this post helped you! And may God's love be with you also!
