Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Art of the Silly Dance

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 47

     Adelyn loves to dance. All the time. Even when there is no music playing. Which, in my opinion, is sometimes, the best kind of dancing. It means my girl has soul. Sometimes, I think about the fact that my neighbors could look in my window at any time, and see me dancing with Addy quite clearly. Especially when we dance after dinner. We never shut the blinds until the sun has completely set. Therefore, at dusk, watching the spectacle that is me dancing with Addy must be too hard to resist staring at. Sometimes, I think about it. But, I always push the thought away as quickly as it comes. Because I learned the art of the silly dance when I was a child.

     My Dad first taught me the art of the silly dance. My Dad, when he dances, is the silliest of all silly dancers. It could make the most sour person smile. He would silly dance with Patty and I all the time. He was great at it. He taught us well.

     The other two people who taught me the art of the silly dance was my Mom, and my Grandma. (Us kids call her, Gamie.) We were at my Gamie's house. The men were probably out hunting or fishing...or doing some manly thing. So, it was just us girls inside. I'll never forget the song that was playing during our silly dance. "Now, I've had the time of my life, No, I've never felt this way before, Yes, I swear, It's the truth, and I owe it all to you..." There's a video of us dancing that day actually. We would all take turns dancing down the room. We put on wigs. Dress up clothes. And we danced to that song. Over and over again.

     See, the art of the silly dance is this: you just dance. Doesn't matter what you look like. Doesn't matter who may see you. In fact, if someone is watching, it's all the better. You dance just because. Just to be silly, and to have fun. And if at any time, you stop to wonder what you look like, or who is watching, it ceases to be a silly dance. It ceases to be an art. And you might as well stop dancing if that happens.

     Thankful for my Dad, my Mom, and Gamie. Who taught me at a young age that dancing should never be reserved for special occasions. And that when one is dancing, one should be silly. Which is kind of the best rule ever.

Omi and Adelyn moonbouncing.

This was the only picture of Casey I could get the whole night. He moves too quick for the camera, sometimes!

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