Monday, August 5, 2013

A morning walk, a rare nap, and a message of love.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 215

     It was a beautiful summer day. Again. How amazing has this weather been? I find myself saying things like, "this summer day is gorgeous!" And I don't say things like that. Because normally, I detest summer. But this summer? I'm pretty much loving these incredible days.

     We went on a lovely summer walk this morning. To see what we could see.

     This afternoon, Adelyn was pretty fussy, and because Tobin was still napping, we cuddled on the couch under a blanket together, and talked about her birthday. It's one of her favorite pastimes these days. Just chatting about her birthday party. And we fell asleep. Cuddled together on the couch. I was holding her in my arms, just like old times. And it made me happy because it's such a rare treat to nap. And a rare treat for Addy to nap. And an even more rare treat for me to hold her in my arms for more than five minutes at a time. It was a sweet sleep.

     This evening, just a little bit ago, Patty called me with a message from Casey. She was putting him to bed, and he told her that he wanted to come to my house, and sleep here tonight. Oh, my Casey boy. His message made me smile, and feel warm, and loved.

     Thankful for a wonderful day. Thankful for beautiful blue skies, and green grass, and butterflies. Thankful for bouquets of handpicked flowers held by tiny hands. Thankful for bike rides. Thankful for babies in strollers. Thankful for a sweet nap holding my baby girl. Thankful for my sweet Casey boy. And his message of love. It is the best kind of message I could ever receive.

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