Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This day rocked :)

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 217

     Had an awesome day! Spent the day celebrating Matt's birthday here at home with family. We had pizza for dinner. Followed up by one of the best cheesecakes I've ever made. Served on the pink table. (Mama would be so proud! It was her recipe, too.) Matt also wanted some cookie bars for snacking on during the day. Let me tell you...they were snacked. And Adelyn quite enjoyed her special cupcakes and ice cream.

     The best part of this day? Laughter. Just lots and tons of laughter with family. We played a game, Apples to Apples. Serious laughter ensued.

     We laughed the most when we were taking pictures. Adelyn and Tobin were having kind of a rough day, so I didn't get a chance to take pictures. Which is a bummer. Because there was so many awesome things to photograph today. But, before everyone was about to leave, Steph suggested we take some pictures. So glad she did. We all spent about twenty minutes laughing so hard our heads and faces hurt. That is the best kind of laughter. The kind that keeps one healthy.

Blurry, but look at Roxy! Photobomb!

    It was an awesome day. Matt was seriously blessed with awesome gifts from his family! And Adelyn got an early birthday present. Which she was super excited about. And, I got something very special from Matt's mom. I will treasure it always.

     So, so, thankful for such an great day spent with family that we don't get to see nearly enough. It was a day spent well. It was full of laughter, and love. And good memories. Thankful that Matt had a great birthday. Thankful for perfect cheesecake, if I do say so myself. Thankful for days like these. The kind that you don't want to end. When you want the fun and laughter and good times to continue on late into the night, and you don't even care how tired you will be the next day. That's how you know it was a special one.

This outfit used to be Shane's when he was a baby. The 90's are back, baby!

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