Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Looking for beautiful things on day 300.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 300

     Day 300. It was a good day. I wish everyone I know would spend time everyday writing about what they were thankful for. It has literally changed my life forever. Everything is more beautiful. Everything is more amazing. Everything is a miracle. The blue sky looks bluer. The red leaves look redder. We don't just take walks. We go looking for beauty and adventure. We go looking for new things to see. Tonight, more than anything, I'm feeling just so very happy and blessed to be alive. You know that feeling when you pour the perfect glass of ice water on a hot day? A big glass. Lots of ice. Then water. Filled up and spilling over the brim. That's how I'm feeling. Filled up and spilling over.

     Thankful for a beautiful day. Thankful for family. Thankful for blue sky. And red leaves so red they glow. Thankful for sunlight. Thankful for the way the sun shines through the trees. Trees are my favorite. Especially trees with glowing red leaves. Thankful for the way Tobin's blue eyes look in the sunlight. Thankful for the way Addy runs up to me after school, saying, "MAMA," with the biggest smile on her face. Thankful for the way Matt smiles at me. With love in his eyes. Thankful for family dinners with Patty, AJ, Casey, and Sophia. It's loud, but there's love. So, it's all good. Thankful for the kind of nights when you lay down in bed to sleep, and just before you do, you feel an overwhelming sense of good, joy, and happiness.

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