Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Project 365 * 2 -- Day 293

     I was giving my kids a bath tonight when I started feeling very needy. I'm sure it's not just me. Most mothers neglect their own needs to first cover the needs of their children. Go out and ask any mother you know if she might like 30 minutes to get a shower, or get a pedicure, do her hair, put on make-up, go shoe shopping, or just to sit and do absolutely nothing...I guarantee not one mother would turn you down. Sometimes I like to do nothing. But tonight, I needed more than nothing. After the kids were in bed, I ran out the door to Patty's house. On the way over, I blasted Korn, and screamed along at the top of my lungs. All the while driving exactly 25 mph. Those Haymarket cops are sneaky little devils. When I got to Patty's, we did exactly what I needed. We laughed hard. We talked. We drank some lovely lattes. We sat together. Sometimes, I get the feeling that everything will be alright if I can just be in the same room as Patty.

     Thankful for Patty. I'm thankful she's mine. I'm thankful for her love and friendship. I'm thankful I can run over there any time I need to. I'm thankful to have a key to her house on my key chain. I'm thankful she has a key to my house. It means that my house is her house. Her house is my house. It means any time I need to, I can run "home" and be with my sister. And everything will feel all better again. Needs taken care of. I guess because, well, really, when it comes down to it, all I really need is love and my family. And I get a healthy helping of both whenever I'm with Patty. Love her beyond words.

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