Monday, February 17, 2014

Five things.

Project 365 * 4
Day 413

Tonight, I'm thankful for:

1. Time spent with Matt and Tobin this morning. Especially our time at Petsmart. Tobin loved seeing all the animals. Especially the fish and the birds. It made my day to watch his face as I showed him each new fish.

2. A lovely lunch and latte at Patty's house. I love me some lattes. Milk foam is the best foam.

3. My parents came to visit this afternoon. It was great to talk with them, and sip on hot tea with honey and lemon. We also watched Monster's University. A favorite around here. I love family time. It's the best time.

4. Dinner with Patty, AJ, Casey, and Sophia tonight. My favorite part of our dinner? Our impromptu "parent confession session."

5. It isn't even 9 o'clock yet, and the kitchen is clean, the toys are picked up, and the kids are bed.

     Thankful for a great day. Thankful for Roxy sleeping on my feet as I write. Thankful for a peaceful, quiet, clean home. Thankful for an early night. I'm ready for sleep. Glorious sleep!

Tobin DID NOT want to share his Brown Bear, Brown Bear book. 

Tobin is doing the sign for milk here. Made us smile. 

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