Friday, April 4, 2014

Squirrels and Birds.

Project 365 * 4
Day 459

     Thankful for a day with the ones I love. Thankful for birds and squirrels. People overlook them because they're just squirrels and birds. But man, they shouldn't. They're so beautiful. I love to watch them. Thankful for rides on the tractor. Thankful for dogs fetching sticks. Thankful for the cool breeze. Thankful the sun hid behind the clouds today. Thankful for big trees with branches that stretch out over my head. They have so much to say. I can't believe I ignored them for so long. I feel alive around them. Thankful for muddy pants and messy hands. Thankful for dirt smudged smiles from Adelyn and Tobin. Thankful that they love to be outside. Thankful for a good day. Thankful for a quiet night. Thankful for this place to write everyday. Thankful for this place to reflect on how beautiful life is. I might never have realized it had it not been for the journey that led me to begin this blog. Just feeling overwhelmed with gratitude tonight. Bubbling over with thankfulness.

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