Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to Make Love with a Woman.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 99

     I came across this little blurb in a jewelry catalog many years back. The company is called Blue Nile. This particular catalog came with a little booklet. Things like, "What is the deal with the oysters?" "How to buy flowers." "What a man should know about childbirth." "What is the difference between a present and a gift." And my favorite: "How to make love with a woman." This is what it says, "Any man who is any good at it understands the same secret truth: making love is not a passing act. It is something you do with a woman every moment of every day you are with her. That's it. And that is everything."

     Matt just got home after 36 hours of work. He's tired. And yet, he still did the dishes for me while I bathed Tobin and Adelyn, so I wouldn't have to do them when I finished putting the kids to bed. And he played birthday party with Adelyn. And then he played some more in the basement with Adelyn and Tobin. And he helped me put Adelyn to bed. Read books, said prayers. And then, after we walked out of Adelyn's room, he pushed me up against the wall in the hallway, and kissed me. Me. In the clothes I've been wearing all day that probably have banana, and peanut butter, and sweet potato caked into the fabric. Me. Without an ounce of makeup on. Just me.

     Matt knows the secret truth. I'm thankful for my man. Who loves me beyond what I thought the definition of love in a marriage to be.

Adelyn was telling me to stop taking her picture in this picture. Ha!

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