Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dirty Windows.

Project 365 * 4
Day 506

     Thankful today and everyday for things like dirty windows. Windows covered in sticky, peanut butter puff cereal hand prints. Thankful for things like empty toilet paper rolls because all the paper has been rolled off into one big pile on the floor. And then slowly dissected piece by piece resulting in a million little balls to pick up. Thankful for babies and stuffed animals set up, just so, on the window sill. Thankful for sticky lolly-pop kisses. Thankful for rooms completely destroyed and torn apart by furiously fast little hands. As I'm picking up one mess, they're making another. Thankful for expensive hand soap that doesn't last more than two days because it's just so fun to pump. Thankful for blue eyes. Thankful for blue eyes with tears in them. They make for very salty kisses. Thankful I get to clean the kitchen at least three times a day. And even though I clean it, there is somehow always, always, sunflower seeds everywhere. Sunflower seeds are a staple in our home. Thankful for cups I find hidden under the sofa that have been missing for a few days. With milk in them. Thankful that our house will always look just a little bit messy. It's lived in. Thankful that the floor of my bedroom is constantly, no lie, constantly filled with giant piles of laundry. Mt. Laundry, I like to call it. And much like Mt. Everest, I will never conquer it. Thankful for tiny toothbrushes. I love the way the bristles are all splayed open. Thankful most of all for two little people named Adelyn and Tobin. Who came into my life and turned it upside down. Made it messy. Made it loud. Made it busy. And better than anything I ever could have imagined.

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