Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nine things on a bad day.

Project 365 * 4
Day 513

     It's hard to admit the truth sometimes. I'd like nothing more than to write about how my day was all sunshine and roses. I was the perfect mom, with the perfect kids, and the perfect house. I'd like to say that I was all I could be and more today, but I wasn't. My kids were naughty. I yelled. And my house is an atrocious mess.

     And yet, even on the toughest day, I find that there are literally dozens of things to be thankful for. Dozens. It's funny how people focus on the negative first. Above all else. It's like something we're born with. This terrible trait that prevents us from seeing the good that is there everyday.

     Today, I found these things to be thankful for:

1. Time alone this morning. Patty watched Tobin while I took Adelyn and Casey to school.

2. Time to relax and cuddle on the couch and eat popcorn with Addy. Thanks to Tobin's nap and a thunderstorm.

3. Waffles for dinner. Does it get any better than breakfast food for dinner?

4. More time to cuddle with Addy and Tobin. We watched a show in my bed after bath time. There is something so wonderful about crawling into bed after a bath.

5. A sweet pup to cuddle with. I love having an animal to love.

6. Talking with my mom on the phone. I love that when I call, she answers. I love that we can talk for hours.

7. Talking with my dad this morning. We talked about snakes and work out plans.

8. The fact that my daughter is the most incredible little person I've ever met. After I asked her to forgive me for yelling at her, she answered like this, "I forgive you, Mama. I love you forever!" Then she hugged me for a long time. Then she went on to say, "you just made a mistake...everyone makes mistakes."

9. Thankful for cuddles with my Tobin boy before bed. Thankful for his jibber-jabber language. It makes conversations with him so much more interesting. And sweet.

     Thankful for good things on hard days. Thankful that tomorrow is a fresh start.

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