Sunday, March 24, 2013

The "Hello!" of a child...

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 82

     This morning, while Matt and Tobin were napping, Adelyn and I went out to do some grocery shopping. Adelyn said, "Hello," to everyone she saw. And if they didn't answer right away, she would say it louder. "Hello!" There wasn't one person that didn't smile at her. Most people commented on what a beautiful dress she was wearing. Which happened to be her pink Cinderella dress. She would just smile, touch her dress, and then point out to the person that they failed to comment on her princess shoes as well. "And my princess shoes!"

     I noticed that every person that spoke with Adelyn smiled. And not just some fake..."oh, she's cute," smile. Real smiles. And those smiles reminded me of something. When I was facing dark days after River passed, Addy filled my days with light. And joy. I know everyone that spoke with her today got a little taste of that joy. They got a little dose of sunshine. I was proud that she could bring some joy and light to people today.

     Thankful for my sunshine, Adelyn. I'm thankful that joy and happiness and light pour out of her. I'm thankful that she could touch some lives today. I'm thankful that Tobin is following in her footsteps. He smiles, literally, all the time. He has the best smile. I'm thankful that I'm surrounded by such love and joy and light and sunshine. Keeps me warm on this chilly days.

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