Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My two favorite parts of today.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 345

1. It only lasted about a minute. But it was sweet. And because most of this day was extremely difficult, it was a very sweet minute. Adelyn read to Tobin after bath time tonight. It made my heart so full.

Tobin kissing Adelyn. 

2. Hanging out with Patty. I put the kids down, and she came over and hung out for a bit. It was the best. I love Patty. I absolutely adore her. I want to put her in my pocket and keep her with me forever. And because she had to go home but we didn't want to stop hanging out, we've been on the phone ever since. Even now, as I type, she's cutting apples for the Christmas party at Addy and Casey's preschool tomorrow. I would be so lost and lonely in this world without her.

     Thankful tonight for two sweet moments that made my rough day all better. Thankful for sweet babies to read bedtime stories to. Thankful for sweet babies to kiss goodnight. Thankful for my sister. Thankful to have such an amazing person to be my person.

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