Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The writing on the wall.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 210

     Tonight, I went into Adelyn's art corner, and found that she had colored on the walls. With marker. Matt and I talked to her about it, and told her she couldn't do that, it was wrong, we made her help us clean it up, etc, etc. But, when Matt and I were inspecting the damage at first, we couldn't help but smile. I think it's just because, we know. We could read the writing on the wall, literally: Kids are hard on a home. They're just messy, and they make messes, and they mess things up, and that's just the way it is. Matt smiled at me, and said, "it won't be the last time." And I know he's right.

     Thankful for our messy, sweet, amazing children. Thankful for the messes they make. And the way they mess things up, like our wall. It means they are children, and they are doing what they do best. Getting into things, and making mischief. I'd rather have a million messes a day to clean, or a million piles of Mt. Laundry to fold, than not have my babies. They make every day worth waking up for.


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